Replying to a question by BJP member, Anil Sole, under rule 97, the minister said a 220 kv transformer in Borgaon in Wardha district fell prey to fire on September 19 and the company suffered a loss to the tune of Rs two crore. Besides, the blaze claimed life of one person.
"The transformer was reduced to ashes and the power supply through 11 kv power lines was disrupted," he said.
Superintendent Engineer of Chandrapur circle, Sudhir Balkrishna Dhawale, Executive Engineer Dinesh Tapgadge and Deputy Engineer Narendra Zode were found guilty of dereliction of duty, he said.
"Besides this, the concerned Director of Transco has been issued notice for poor maintenance of the transformer," he said.
Talking about the modernisation of the system, Bawankule said old electricity supply poles are being replaced with new ones.
He also informed the House that the Centre has decided to set up Central Power Institute in Deolali and Nagpur.