Special NDPS Judge Shail Jain, while handing down the jail term to Pradeep Kumar, Naresh and Ravi Saxena, residents of Subzi Mandi here, said, "I am of the opinion that prosecution has been successful in proving beyond reasonable doubt that all accused persons have attempted to murder Sumit by inflicting injuries with knife on his neck in 2012.
"Holding all accused guilty, I convict Pradeep, Naresh and Ravi under section 307/34 (attempt to murder and common intention) of the IPC."
"Keeping in view the facts and circumstances of the case that Sumit has suffered serious injuries due to the act of convicts, the maximum punishment for which can be life imprisonment, it is necessary that punishment awarded should neither be too harsh so that faith in judicial system is lost, nor too light, so as to encourage the feeling in the offenders that they would be let off easily.