The accused, identified as Pankaj Bafna, Akshay Deshmukh and Rahul Choudhri, were held after they attempted a loot at Pankaj Bafna's uncle Rajkumar Bafna's residence in Sarvoday Colony, they said.
The trio, after Pankaj Bafna lost lakhs of rupees in gambling, planned a robbery at the victims' residence and entered the house in the wee hours of yesterday, when Rajkumar Bafna was out of station, Ambad police station In-charge Dinesh Bardekar said.
The accused threatened and demanded cash from the contractor's wife at knifepoint. However, her daughter raised an alarm, causing them to flee, he said.
A case has been registered under section 392 (robbery) of the IPC, he said, adding further investigation is on.
The accused would be produced in court today to seek their police custody, he added.