Railways apprehended 115.82 lakh persons for travelling without tickets in 2011-12, the number rose to 137.68 lakh in 2012-13, Railway Minister Sadananda Gowda said in a written reply.
In 2013-14, the without ticket travel cases increased further to 148.70 lakh, he said.
The state-run transporter detected 49.01 lakh persons travelling without tickets upto June 2014.
The amount of railways dues realised from ticketless travellers also increased since 2011-12.
Railways realised Rs 477.81 crores as its dues from ticketless travellers in 2011-12, Rs 572.61 cr in 2012-13 and Rs 637.40 cr in 2013-14.
Gowda said various steps have been taken to prevent ticketless travel including conducting regular and surprise checks.
Railways have also launched campaigns through posters, notices and announcements at stations and advertisements in media asking public to avoid ticketless travel.