Senior BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad, while speaking at a meeting of party workers, accused the Delhi Government of total failure in checking rising tariff of power and water as well addressing security concerns of the people.
"It is time for a change in the government at the state and the Centre to relieve the common man from their troubles," he said asking the party workers to work hard to oust the Dikshit government in the assembly polls.
Delhi BJP President Vijay Goel said the city government was not interested in reducing the prices of power and water.
"We can assure you if the BJP comes to power, the prices of power of water will be slashed by 30 per cent," he said.
The BJP also lent its support to Nirpreet Kaur who is on an indefinite fast at the Jantar Mantar to protest the acquittal of Congress leader Sajjan Kumar in the 1984 Sikh Riots, declaring that its leaders will join her.