Union Minister Venkaiah Naidu and Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis were present during the launch event which took place at the historic August Kranti Maidan here, from where Mahatma Gandhi had given the clarion call of 'Quit India' in 1942.
"Today after 68 years of Independence, there is a need for the people to respond with similar passion, zeal and commitment to 'quit' several social and other evils plaguing the nation and take India to newer heights," Naidu said.
Poverty has to be eradicated from the country, he said.
"Providing education to all, creating employment, combining development with welfare measures are all part of the larger 'Quit Poverty' campaign and every Indian should supplement the efforts of the government in this regard. 'Antyodaya' is the way forward," he said.
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Fadnavis said Mumbai had played a significant role during
the freedom struggle.
"Today, the city is taking a lead in launching the second Quit India Movement. This time the fight is not against the British, but against the social evils plaguing the state like corruption, farmer suicides, malnutrition, water wastage and terrorism," he said.
Naidu, Fadnavis, Maharashtra ministers Sudhir Mungantiwar and Vinod Tawde paid their respects at the August Kranti Diwas Memorial at Mumbai's August Kranti Maidan.