Replying to supplementaries in the Rajya Sabha, Power Minister Piyush Goyal said this has been an issue that has agitated the country and all are aware of the widespread concern over the time taken by various Tribunals in giving their verdict.
Observing that the existing Act does not fix any time limit for resolving river water disputes, he said the Cauvery Water Tribunal has taken 26 years and three months and the matter is still pending before the Supreme Court.
Pointing out that some members of such Tribunals are over 90 years old, he said "what we are also proposing is that we are suggesting to create a national Tribunal which will have a defined age for its members."
Goyal also said "We have set for the first time a time limit for dispute redressal committees to give their report within 12 months, which is extendable by a maximum of six months. There was no time limit in the original process."
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"Whatever work the Tribunals have done, the new Tribunals will take the work further. It is not that the new Tribunal will restart the work from the beginning. Cauvery Tribunal issue will not have to go to a new dispute resolution committee. It will go straight to the new Tribunal," he said.
"Since there is no finality on this matter, the government has to now go by the Supreme Court ruling that has come recently and the Cauvery Tribunal issue will be taken up by Supreme Court on February 7," the Minister said.
She also said that the proposal of amending the Act has been accepted by most states and apprehensions raised by some of them have been addressed in the proposed Bill.
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