secretary has sought a CBI probe into the Scam involving the Electric Crematorium run by the Tiruchi Corporation where a ash of a body was allegedly given without fully cremaing the body.
The petitioner Vetriselvan said the complainant Rajasekhar was shocked when the employee of the crematorium, Kumar gave back the ashes of his mother's body with in a short time after it was handed over for cremation.
He suspected that the ash belonged to some other body and his mother's body had not been actually burnt.He gave a complaint to the Cantonment inspector,But the inspector did not investigate the complaint so far.Theburing of a body would take atleast three to four hours.But the ash had been given immediately.
The party held various demonstration to draw the attention of the officials,and the Chief secretary was also informed about the scam.He charged that the higher officials of the corporation were involved in the scam.
There were many suspicions about the running of the crematorium.Hence the complaint given to the inspector by rajasekhar should be transferred to the CBI for a fair investigation,he said.