In his address to the 38th edition of India Knit Fair at Tirupur yesterday, Shaktivel said there was good demand for man-made and synthetic yarn products and asked the industry in Tirupur to make use of Knitwear Technology Mission (KTM).
KTM, set up by Apparel Export Promotion Council, was inaugurated by Union Textile Secretary, Zohra Chatterjee on May 6 at Tirupur, with the aim of producing wide range of products with polyester and synthetic yarns, a release from KTM said today.
A total of 56 leading exporters from Tirupur, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, Gujarat and Bhopal had put up stalls, showcasing a wide range of apparels for the 2015 season.
Stating that with spot orders, it was expected that the fair would generate a business of Rs 300 crore, the release said, adding that 40 buyers from different countries and 105 buying agents visited the fair.