Bhubaneswar, which recorded 42.9 deg C yesterday further reduced to 42.2 deg C today, against 45.8 deg C on Monday. The relative humidity also fell to 83 per cent in the state capital.
Titlagarh was followed by Sonepur at 44.8 deg C, another western Odisha town.
As many as 18 places across the state recorded temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius. Talcher (43.6), Bhawanipatna (43.5), Malkangiri (43.4) and Bolangir (43) experienced heatwave conditions.
Reports of 30 alleged sunstroke deaths from different parts of the state were received, according to the Special Relief Commissioner's (SRC) office.
Highest alleged sunstroke death cases came from Khurda district followed by four from Cuttack district, three from Angul district, while Balasore, Ganjam, Keonjhar and Nayagarh reported two alleged death cases each.
The districts of Rayagada, Nupada, Mayurbhanj, Jharsuguda, Jajpur, Jagatsinghpur, Dhenkanal, Bhadrak, Bargarh and Bolangir reported one each deaths allegedly due to sunstroke.