Lauding party chief Mamata Banerjee's leadership which helped the TMC to bag 34 of the 42 seats in the just-held Lok Sabha elections, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Partha Chatterjee said the advice was given to members of the Trinamool Congress Legislature Party by TMC All India General Secretary Mukul Roy.
New members were also asked to remain abreast of the rules and regulations of the House.
Government Chief Whip Sobhandeb Chattopadhyay, senior party leader and Panchayat Minister Subrata Mukherjee and Finance Minister Amit Mitra also gave similar advice.
Meanwhile, the Congress Legislature Party also met to discuss strategy to be followed by the party during House sessions.
CLP leader Md Sohrab said that members were asked to raise anti-people policies of the state government.
The CLP meeting also discussed the post-Lok Sabha poll situation in the state and on measures to counter the TMC, BJP and Left Front to regain lost ground, he said.