BJP president Amit Shah on Wednesday accused West Bengal's ruling Trinamool Congress of indulging in violence in the state and alleged that the Election Commission has been a "mute spectator".
Addressing a press conference here, Shah also said he would not have escaped unhurt without CRPF protection when his convoy was allegedly attacked in Kolkata on Tuesday.
He said West Bengal has witnessed violence in all the six phases of Lok Sabha polls.
"The BJP is contesting polls in all states. There has been no violence. But there has been violence in West Bengal as TMC is contesting elections there ... it is simple," he said.
Shah also accused TMC "goons" of vandalising the bust of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar inside a college, saying it was done to gain "sympathy" as the Mamata Banerjee-led party has realised its "reverse count" has begun.
Accusing the poll panel of being a "mute spectator" in West Bengal, he alleged that history-sheeters were not arrested before polls.
He also alleged that the EC has laid "double standards" and it has been partial towards the Trinamool Congress.