Additional Commissioner of Police, Durgapur Police Commiserate Sunil Yadav confirmed having received a written complaint from one Santosh Ruidas today that TMC Councillor Ranjit Ruidas and three-four of his henchmen had beaten him up and his wife and molested their daughter in their party office following an altercation yesterday.
The three had rushed to the party office demanding an explanation from Ranjit as to why Santosh's father was taken to a local hospital by his men earlier in the day when the elderly person suddenly fell ill and Santosh was away from home, Yadav said.
In the complaint, Santosh alleged when the three of them went to the TMC office, they were asked to leave the place immediately and upon refusal, they were allegedly thrashed by the men who also molested the girl at the behest of Ranjit and his aides, the ACP said.
"We are looking into the complaint," he said.
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The councillor, however, refuted the charge and said it was a conspiracy by the local opposition parties who were using Santosh and his family to malign him and the party.
The complainant further said they were subjected to misbehaviour by the local Coke Oven police station Officer-in-Charge when they went to the police station first, the ACP said.