"We have planned an investment of Rs 5,493 crore to transform Thane into a smart city. The investment will be made mainly in the area development," additional municipal commissioner Sunil Chavan said at a CII event on smart cities here today.
He said the Corporation has already undertaken various development projects like building roads, encouraging non-motorised transport like footpaths and bicycle tracks to make the city more liveable and citizen friendly.
"To ease the increasing pressure of existing Thane railway station, an alternative railway station is planned between Thane and Mulund with an investment of Rs 300 crore. While Rs 120 crore would be utilised for the station, the rest will be deployed for development of the area around the station," Chavan said.
"We will be spending Rs 70 crore for building a solar rooftop project on the station," Chavan said.
In a recent development, Tel Aviv Municipality has joined hands with Thane to replicate the civic transformation it underwent, using digital technologies, in the city.