Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami embarked on a three-nation tour on Wednesday, in a bid to woo investors from those countries to invest in the state.
The chief minister, who will be travelling to the UK, US and Dubai during his two-week sojourn, hit out at M K Stalin for criticising his foreign trip and asked the DMK chief to clarify about his "frequent" foreign visits.
Palaniswami, the first state chief minister to travel abroad in decades, insisted his voyage was only meant to attract investments, and meet potential investors as part of it.
"This trip is to seek more investments for Tamil Nadu. I am visiting the US, UK and Dubai to meet investors to invite them to start new businesses in the state," he told reporters prior to leaving for London, his first stop, from here.
Responding to a query on some opposition parties criticising his foreign visit, he said "they always do so."