As part of measures against Chinese crackers, Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue Services has issued orders mandating retailers to give an undertaking that they would not sell the crackers.
Days ahead of Diwali, the retailers in the state have been clearly told that their licenses to sell fire crackers would be canceled if they were found in violation of such an undertaking they had to submit.
Also, raids looking for Chinese crackers have been intensified across Tamil Nadu.
As of now, 900 applications have been received in Chennai alone seeking licenses for selling crackers and across the state these stood at over 10,000. "We expect the numbers to go up as Deepavali nears," he added.
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Stating that this was part of overall measures against Chinese crackers, the official said raids in coordination with the state police and government revenue officials were currently on.
Against the backdrop of widespread fears of illegally imported Chinese crackers having found their way into the country affecting locally made crackers, Tamil Nadu government had told the Madras High Court on October 26 that as many as 36 squads have been set up to seize and destroy illegally imported crackers.
State authorities were directed by Justice Kirubakaran to file a report by October 30 on the steps taken and quantity of any such crackers seized.