Tamil Nadu Governor BanwarilalPurohit, Chief Minister K Palaniswami and other leaders on Thursday extended their May Day greetings, hailing the workforce and its significance to the country.In a Raj Bhavan statement, the Governor said the celebration of May Day is the occasion when the nation salutes the contribution of the working class and takes pride in their labour in strengthening the economy of the country."On the occasion of the May Day I extend my warm greetings and best wishes to all those who toil day and night to promote the welfare of the nation and to all their families who support them in this noble effort," he said.He urged the people to resolve on May 1 to intensify their fight against COVID-19 and prayed the Almighty may give strength to labour community to overcome the present situation, apparently the lockdown that has rendered many of them jobless.Palaniswami, while extending his greetings, recalled that the day marked the workers earning their rights after years of struggle.Quoting Swami Vivekananda, he said no major result can be achieved without hard work and said such labour will yield success to all in life.Palaniswami and deputy chief minister O Panneerselvam, in an AIADMK release, also extended their May Day greetings.While Panneerselvam is AIADMK Coordinator, Palaniswami is the Joint Coordinator.They recalled the importance attached by late chief ministers M G Ramachandran, also the party founder, and J Jayalalithaa, for the workers and that they had accordingly devised many welfare schemes for them.MDMK founder Vaiko and AMMK leader T T V Dhinakaran also extended their greetings.Meanwhile, Puducherry Chief Minister V Narayanasamy extended his May Day greetings and highlighted the role played by working class in ensuring a strong India.He said that the current lockdown necessitated by the outbreak of COVID-19 had hit the livelihood of the workers and others.The chief minister said the territorial administration, however, came up with several measures to relieve the working class and the poor of the misery and the serious impact of the lockdown.