Making a suo motu statement in the Assembly, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa said the quality Amma Seeds would be available in the proposed Amma outlets across the state.
The government would set up Amma Seed Agency by coordinating government seed farms, seed production units and farmers, she said. "The agency will be set up with adequate staff at Rs 156.74 crore."
The quality seeds produced in these farms would be supplied as Amma seeds through Amma outlets at a reasonable price.
Jayalalithaa is popularly addressed as Amma (Mother) by her party workers and supporters.
Jayalalithaa also said 'Amma Farm Women Empowerment Programme' would be executed to provide training in farm inputs, water harvesting and post harvesting activities.
Around 770 farm women groups would be formed and loans and revolving fund will be made available to them, under this scheme.