Tamil Nadu government would replace buses operated by State Transport Undertakings which were more than 10 years old and a sum of Rs 600 crore would be infused as share capital, Deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam said today.
"In 2018-19, the State government will infuse share capital of Rs 600 crore in state transport undertakings for purchasing and inducting 3,000 new buses," he said in his budget speech in the assembly.
With the 2,000 new buses sanctioned in 2017-18 and with the proposal to induct 3,000 new buses, the government would replace all the 4,593 buses that have been in use for more than 10 years, he said.
Stating that the government was committed to provide efficient and effective public transport system, he said, "the general price rise and increase in salary adversely affected the operations of state transport undertakings."