Replying to a query during the question hour, Minister for Finance and Public Works O Panneerselvam said "Tamil Nadu has been insisting on implementing Nallar scheme. But, Kerala government has not accepted it holding that it was beyond reconsideration. However, talks are being held to insist Kerala accept the scheme."
Observing that there was a proposal to divert water from Anamalayar river to Tamil Nadu by constructing a dam through a supplementary agreement under Parambikulam-Aliyar agreement,
"After the minister-level meeting between Tamil Nadu and
Kerala held at Thiruvananthapuram on April 28 this year, Kerala government has sent the 'Possibility Report on diverting Anamalayar river to Neerar - September 2010' to Tamil Nadu government. It is presently in the government's consideration," Panneerselvam said.
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He was replying to legislators M Arumugham (CPI) and M K Muthukaruppannasamy (AIADMK), who sought to know whether the government would implement Anamalayar and Nallar schemes.
Deputy Speakar Pollachi Jayaraman too sought the government to implement the schemes as they would benefit Coimbatore, Tiruppur and Erode districts of western Tamil Nadu in their drinking and irrigation needs.