Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit, Chief Minister K Palaniswami and DMK president M K Stalin on Saturday expressed grief over the death of former Union Minister Arun Jaitley and paid rich tributes to him.
Expressing shock, Governor Purohit said Jaitley was an asset to the people, an outstanding Parliamentarian and his contribution to the nation and needy will be remembered for ever.
Crediting him for his wise handling of the finance and defence portfolios, Purohit said the former minister was a "legal luminary and an experienced political leader known for his governance skills, he will be missed by the country."
A senior Supreme Court lawyer, he ushered in the Goods and Services Tax when he was the Finance Minister and was noted for his deep knowledge and articulate speeches during Parliamentary debates
BJP leader and Minister of State for Health, Ashwini Kumar Choubey said the passing away of Jaitley was an "irreplaceable loss to the country and party."