"Chief Minister Jayalalithaa has ordered relaxation of 90 per cent peak hour power control norm (on quota demand and energy) for High Tension industrial and commercial consumers from June 5 to September 30," a state government release said.
Under the 90 per cent norm, industries can draw only 10 per cent power from the grid for lighting and security purposes between 6 PM and 10 PM during peak hour.
Also, during non-peak hours, a power cut of 20 per cent on base demand and energy for HT industrial and commercial services is now being followed.
Load shedding for domestic and other Low Tension power consumers was ended effective June 1 last year.
"The power situation has improved due to the various (electricity) projects of Chief Minister Puratchi Thalaivi Jayalalithaa," the release said.
Power cuts have become an "old story" and in the last four years, 4991.5 MW additional power has been procured, the release added.