The research project, proposed by P Karthikeyan of Department of soil and Water Conservation Engineering in the university, will be jointly executed by TNAU and Joegeeth Plastics, Mysore and Coimbatore, in Public Private Partnership mode, with a fellowship of Rs six lakh per annum for four years, a TNAU release said here today.
While the quantum of plastics used in agriculture is increasing over a period, more than half of the plastics are disposed of by burning on-farm, with most of the remainder buried or dumped on-farm and Karthikeyan is attempting to develop an effective management system for the plastic waste products.
The objective of the study is to remove the tar and dust particles from producer gas, which is obtained from biomass gasifier to improve the overall efficiency of the biomass gasifier based power generation system.
The duration of the fellowship is four years from 2014-2018, the release said.