ITC rose by 2.42 per cent to settle at Rs 291.50 on the BSE. During the day, it gained 2.88 per cent to Rs 292.80.
The rally in the company's stock added Rs 8,391.66 crore to Rs 3,54,517.02 crore in its market valuation.
On the volume front, its 28.78 lakh shares were traded on the BSE and over 3 crore on the NSE during the day.
Shares of VST Industries gained 1.22 per cent to Rs 3,321.85 and those of Godfrey Phillips India ended 0.71 per cent higher at Rs 1,165.85.
Cigarette stocks were down on Monday also.
The GST Council on Monday raised the cess on cigarettes to take away an estimated Rs 5,000 crore annual "windfall" manufacturers could have reaped from lower GST rates.