Claimed to be the first of its kind in India, if a person call +1800 2700 703+ an automatic voice will provide information on breast cancer in English and in Tamil, Dr P Guhan, Director, SRIOR told reporters at the launch function.
Details like stages of breast cancer, risk factors, signs and symptoms, early detection, diagnostic tests, treatment options, chemotherapy and its side effects, dietary tips and prevention of breast cancer, can be listened, Guhan said.
Since there was lack of awareness, the Institute was continuing the crusade to conquer the disease, which was easily cured fully, if detected early, he said.
Stating that the step would catch the attention of the population, with earth shrinking to the size of cell phone, Guhan said that with the help of NSS volunteers in Bharathiar University, the institute will distribute five lakh educational pamphlets on breast cancer in six districts in and around Coimbatore.