Saheb, who sported a Anarkali sherwani, was the show-stopper of celebrated fashion designer Pranay Baidya's fusion show 'Tale of Two Cities, Calcutta Oh Kolkata' where the old era merged effortlessly with the new.
Flanked by rising Tolly star Paayel, also turning up in an upcoming flick by Mainak Bhowmik, Saheb said, "This is first ever show where we the contemporary artistes of Tollygunje industry have teamed up together to a show aimed at creating awarenss about her heritage, the royal mansions dotting dufferent parts of Kolkata.
Prominent model Sonikaa Chauhan sported a Mughal-e-Azam look wth her two piece stitched fabric wear adorned with embroidered zar.
'Apur Panchali' actor Parno Mitra, a critically acclaimed name in Bengali film industry and a face of the upcoming brigade of talented actors, said, "This place has a different feel. I usually saw fashion shows at luxary hotels, lounges and resorts. But with the bygone era recreated through the decor and gas lighting we the present generation are getting into the sin of Madhubala."