The range, which includes four smart watches priced between Rs 12,999 and Rs 23,499, delivers real-time information like time, distance, heart rate, pace, speed and calories burnt to runners, cyclists and swimmers.
The devices will be sold exclusively through eCommerce firm Flipkart.
"In India, there has been a strong growth in people participating in marathons. People are actively engaging in activities like running and cycling. Though there are no numbers available but we see a huge potential in India," TomTom Senior Vice President Sales (Asia Pacific) Andrew Cooper told reporters here.
With an extra-large display, full-screen graphical training tools and one-button control, the wearable makes it easy for fitness enthusiasts to access real-time information to help them achieve their goals.
"Our research shows that 95 per cent of runners consider their GPS watch to be their perfect training partner," Cooper said.