Ahead of Paris climate talks at the end of this month, Power Minister Piyush Goyal today said too many restrictions on carbon emission will curb India's competitive strength.
"Too many restrictions on carbon emissions will curb India's competitive strength. The developed world must provide access to low-cost finance and technology to developing nations for climate action," Goyal tweeted today.
The minister has also urged business leaders to become influencers to push India's climate action plan.
The UN Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21) is scheduled from November 30 to December 11.
Yesterday, Goyal had said, "India stands for carbon justice. Our development imperative must be recognised.
Goyal had pointed out, "We are far better than other countries that have used low-cost energy as a tool to develop their nation. So, it's very obvious that India will stand for climate justice. We believe that the carbon space will be vacated by the developed world and India's development imperative has to be recognised."
The minister is of the view that India is not the polluter and also not responsible for the agony the world is facing today.
"In fact, the statistics you see in the last 150 years, it's the United States which has contributed nearly 18% to the carbon emission in the atmosphere. Europe has added another 21% and China about 10%," He had said.
"India's share in carbon emission is probably two and a half%. Now, we are home to one-fifth of the population of the world. When you juxtapose our carbon emission on per capita basis, we are one-fifteenth of many of the developed world.
"Too many restrictions on carbon emissions will curb India's competitive strength. The developed world must provide access to low-cost finance and technology to developing nations for climate action," Goyal tweeted today.
The minister has also urged business leaders to become influencers to push India's climate action plan.
The UN Climate Change Conference in Paris (COP21) is scheduled from November 30 to December 11.
Yesterday, Goyal had said, "India stands for carbon justice. Our development imperative must be recognised.
Goyal had pointed out, "We are far better than other countries that have used low-cost energy as a tool to develop their nation. So, it's very obvious that India will stand for climate justice. We believe that the carbon space will be vacated by the developed world and India's development imperative has to be recognised."
The minister is of the view that India is not the polluter and also not responsible for the agony the world is facing today.
"In fact, the statistics you see in the last 150 years, it's the United States which has contributed nearly 18% to the carbon emission in the atmosphere. Europe has added another 21% and China about 10%," He had said.
"India's share in carbon emission is probably two and a half%. Now, we are home to one-fifth of the population of the world. When you juxtapose our carbon emission on per capita basis, we are one-fifteenth of many of the developed world.