The 2012 film revolved around the life of a once successful film actress, whose career is on the decline. The film had Kareena Kapoor as the protagonist along with actors Arjun Rampal, Randeep Hooda, Rakesh Bapat among others.
"I don't know what went wrong with the film. It has done commercially better business. The film was made at moderate budget of Rs 21 crore and collected Rs 48 crore so everybody earned the money. I have no regret about making 'Heroine' rather I am happy I made it. I never shun my films I stick to it," Madhur said.
Bhandarkar has made films like 'Chandni Bar', 'Page 3', 'Fashion', 'Corporate' and 'Traffic Signal'. The director said he has two-three realistic topics that he wants to explore. However, the director is not willing to share any details about the same.
"I have few ideas in my mind, but right now nothing is concrete. I have registered few titles like 'Bharat Bandh', 'Calendar Girl', 'Money Politics'. The titles just intrigued me, so I registered. I had a title 'Jai Ho', which I gave to Sohail Khan for his next film with Salman Khan. These are typical Madhur Bhandarkar kind of films. I may make a film or not on such titles... Not sure yet," he said.