Dev, who has also turned scriptwriter for the film, said the film is inspired by a real-life road journey that he took from Mumbai to Pune. It is directed by his father Jyotin Goel.
"My character's name is Shammi Suri and I have modelled him on Shammi Kapoor saab, that's why I have kept the name Shammi because I wanted to bring that flamboyance and energy to the character.
"The germ of this story is from a true life story. I was actually taking a road trip from Mumbai to Pune and in Khandala I got a flat tyre," Goel told PTI.
The film stars "1920"-famed actress Adah Sharma opposite Dev in the lead.
"Hum Hai Raahi Car Ke" also stars Anupam Kher, Sanjay Dutt , Juhi Chawla and Chunky Pandey among others in smaller roles.
The film will hit theatres on May 24.