Dismissing Colgate Palmolive (India) Ltd's plea for interim injunction against HUL, Justice S Muralidhar said, "The court is not persuaded to hold at this stage that the impugned TV advertisement or the printed advertisement by HUL is disparaging of or denigrating the product Colgate Strong Teeth of the plaintiffs (Colgate).
"The court is not satisfied that the plaintiff has made out a prima facie case for the grant of an ad-interim injunction as prayed for. The application is dismissed," the court said.
Rejecting Colgate's argument that as per the commercial, Colgate Strong Teeth was "zero" when compared to Pepsodent's 130 per cent, the judge said, "The court is unable to view it that way."
"It is arguable that the appearance of the two indices at the bottom of the left and right screens as well as the 'Super' which shows that Colgate Strong Teeth is indexed 100 per cent and Pepsodent Germi Check 130 per cent will enable a discerning viewer to appreciate the comparison in its proper perspective," the court said.