Jammu and Kashmir unit of BJP reviewed the ongoing situation in the state at a high-level meeting here and said the party is extending all cooperation to the state government to restore peace and normalcy in the Valley.
State BJP President and MLA Sat Sharma chaired the meeting at the party headquarter where the present situation in the Valley, conduct of the ongoing Amarnath Yatra and the issue of migration of Kashmir Pandit employees were reviewed, a BJP spokesman said.
Sat Sharma said the party is continuously in touch with BJP leaders in Kashmir as well as the administration and every effort is being made to extend cooperation for restoring peace and normalcy in the Valley besides ensuring smooth conduct of the Amarnath yatra.
He said the BJP ministers in the J&K government are also regularly reviewing the arrangements related to the yatra.
State BJP President and MLA Sat Sharma chaired the meeting at the party headquarter where the present situation in the Valley, conduct of the ongoing Amarnath Yatra and the issue of migration of Kashmir Pandit employees were reviewed, a BJP spokesman said.
Sat Sharma said the party is continuously in touch with BJP leaders in Kashmir as well as the administration and every effort is being made to extend cooperation for restoring peace and normalcy in the Valley besides ensuring smooth conduct of the Amarnath yatra.
He said the BJP ministers in the J&K government are also regularly reviewing the arrangements related to the yatra.