Replying to a supplementary during question hour, Higher Education minister Bratya Basu told the Assembly that some top administrative officials in education, could have been removed, but some also left on their own.
Stating that Bhattacharya had discussed with him his wish to leave Jadavpur University and return to his parent institute, Basu said that there was no question of removing him.
A question was raised in the House on the resignations of Sugata Marjit former chairman West Bengal Council of Higher Education, Chaitali Dutta former president, West Bengal Secondary Education, Muktinath Chattopadhyay former president, West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education and Chittaranjan Mandal former chairman, School Service Commission.
He said that it was the state government's prerogative to appoint the right administrators to run the education department properly.
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Replying to another question, Basu, who is also in charge of the School Education department, said that 27,207 teachers for secondary and higher secondary schools were appointed in 2013-14.
To a supplementary, the minister said that 5,708 vacancies existed in secondary schools and 3,394 in higher secondary schools.