Gen John F Campbell also told a Senate committee that he thinks President Barack Obama should revise the current plan to reduce the US force in Afghanistan at the end of 2016.
The plan calls for cutting the force from 9,800 to about 1,000 embassy-based security.
Campbell said he had provided his superiors with several options because conditions in Afghanistan have significantly changed since Obama approved that troop-cut plan in 2014.
Those US forces were in contact with the AC-130 gunship that fired on the medical clinic run by Doctors Without Borders, he added.
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"To be clear, the decision to provide (airstrikes) was a US decision, made within the US chain of command," Campbell said. "The hospital was mistakenly struck. We would never intentionally target a protected medical facility."
He said he must await the outcome of multiple investigations. Campbell had disclosed yesterday that the attack had been requested by Afghan troops.
Anti-war protesters sat in the front row of Tuesday's hearing with red coloring, depicting blood, on their faces.
They carried signs that read: "Healthcare not warfare," and "Kunduz victims: RIP." A woman who shouted "Bombing hospitals is a war crime! Stop the bombing now!" was escorted from the room. The chairman, Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, warned that those interfering with the hearing risked arrest.
"If you go to just embassy only, our ability to do TAA (train, advise and assist) is very limited. Our ability to do CT (counterterror operations) is much more limited," Campbell said.
He said the different options that he has provided to his superiors are for troop levels beyond a normal embassy presence. Asked if he thought the president should review his plan, Campbell said "Yes, sir.