"Our findings confirm that torture is being routinely used in government detention facilities in Syria, and that torture is also used by some armed groups," UN High Commissioner Navi Pillay said.
"In armed conflict, torture constitutes a war crime. When it is used in a systematic or widespread manner, which is almost certainly the case in Syria, it also amounts to a crime against humanity."
The UN report, based on accounts by 38 survivors, detailed the systematic torture of men, women and children in the war-ravaged country.
In another session, "they pulled out two of my toenails with a plier," he said.
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And a 26-year-old woman gave an account of being beaten, raped and having her teeth pulled out.
"They called us prostitutes and spat in our faces," said the woman, whose family rejected her after learning she had been raped.
Upon arrival at government detention facilities, the report said detainees were "routinely beaten and humiliated for several hours by guards in what has come to be known as the 'reception party'".
Human rights activists and medical workers seen to be affiliated with other armed groups were particularly vulnerable.
"I urge the government and armed opposition groups in Syria to immediately halt the use of torture and ill-treatment, and to release all those who have been arbitrarily detained in conditions that clearly breach international human rights standards," said Pillay.
She stressed the importance of bringing torturers to justice and providing treatment and fair compensation to the victims, and reiterated her call for Damascus to allow her office and other international bodies to monitor conditions in detention centres in the country.