Tatas also said that they would rather stay focussed on its own venture in Delhi, even as reports suggested that Arvind Kejriwal-led government was keen to cancel licences of Anil Ambani-led Reliance group's BSES ventures and give the same to Tatas-run TPDDL (Tata Power Delhi Distribution Ltd).
TPDDL is a joint venture between Tata Power and the Delhi government, where the company holds 51 per cent.
"Tata Power is of the view that its joint venture company at Delhi has to focus on its own area of operation.
"Also, there is a huge challenge of recoverable Regulatory Assets at TPDDL to the tune of almost Rs 5,000 crore," the company said.
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Stressing that these issues need resolution, Tata Power said: "We would look forward to consultations and facilitation on these matters in the coming few days and weeks".
The statement comes at a time when the two BSES discoms -- Rajdhani and Yamuna -- have been served notices by NTPC to clear dues or face cut in power supplies.
Against the backdrop of this development, Kejriwal-led government had recommended to Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) to revoke the licence of BSES discoms if they fail to pay dues to NTPC.
Yesterday, the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity had directed DERC not to take a final decision on revoking the licences of BSES discoms without its permission.
Meanwhile, BSES discoms today approached the Supreme Court against NTPC's notice threatening to cut off power supply for not clearing outstanding dues.
A bench headed by Chief Justice P Sathasivam, before whom the matter was mentioned for an urgent hearing, has listed the case for tomorrow.