"Malukchand Agrawal and his son Kirti Agrawal were arrested for allegedly offering a bribe of Rs 4 lakh to Nirupam Vaishnav, a sub-divisional manager at Gujarat Van Vikas Nigam, for disposing of an inquiry against them in connection with a gum trading permit," said ACB Assistant Director P R Gehlot.
Vaishnav also holds additional charge of Range Forest Officer (RFO) at Godhra in neighbouring Panchmahal district.
Agrawals have a godown in Godhra for storing gum which they procure from Maharashtra and sell it to different places with government permit.
According to ACB, Agrawals allegedly offered Rs 4 lakh to Vaishnav to hush up the matter, however, the latter secretly shot and recorded the conversation.
The duo were arrested after a trap was laid by ACB sleuths while offering Rs 2 lakh in cash and equal amount in cheque to the officer.
They have been booked under Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.
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