The incident took place last on Tuesday last week when the Constable Vilas Shinde (50) from Bandra traffic division was discharging his duty at a petrol pump when he spotted a biker without helmet approaching the petrol pump.
The juvenile was nabbed by police in the late hours on the same day.
Shinde who was in a critical condition and was unconscious since last week, passed away at the Lilavati Hospital this afternoon, police said.
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Terming the constable's death as a 'sad' incident, Mumbai Police Commissioner Datta Padsalgikar said, "Vilas Shinde was assaulted while he was doing his duty. It's very disheartening, if such incident happens during course of duty.
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Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis met the family of Shinde here today and promised all possible help by state government.
He assured a job to a family member of the deceased and also financial assistance.