The penalties can be up to Rs 20,000 as against up to Rs 3,000 currently. However, the maximum penalty, is much lower than Rs 3 lakh proposed last year.
Under the proposed Road Transport and Safety Bill, driving at excessive speed may be fined up to Rs 3,000. This is in sharp contrast with Rs 400 penalty imposed under the present Motor Vehicle Act, 1988.
"The penalties are not only in form of graded pecuniary fines but also imprisonment, naming and shaming, community service, among others. The quantum of penalties proposed will be higher for the repeat offences," Ministry of Road Transport and Highways said in a release.
"The penalties now proposed reflect a substantial increase in the quantum of penalties," the statement added.
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The amount of penalties proposed will be higher for the repeat offences and there would be demerit points for the offences leading to suspension of the license.
Based on the inputs received from the general public as well as other stakeholders, the proposed penalties in the first draft were rationalised.
The Ministry proposes that the schedule stating the sum of punishment may be changed on analysis of the data related to reasons of offences.