Directed by National award-winning director Gnana Rajasekaran, the film is about the life of legendary mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920) who made pioneering discoveries in maths overcoming a series of trials and tribulations.
The trailer features the milieu of the world of Ramanujan from small town Kumbakonam in late nineteenth century Tamil Nadu to Cambridge in England. Abhinay Vaddi, grandson of legendary actor pair of yesteryear Gemini Ganesan and Savithri, dons the role of Ramanujan.
Srivatsan Nadathur of Camphor Cinema said, "We have made sure that the production quality is topnotch and made no compromises in telling the story of great Tamil hero Ramanujan."
A video of renowned British actor Kevin McGowan giving a message in Tamil was also played. Kevin has done the role of Prof GH Hardy in the movie.