The 12611 Chennai-Nizamuddin Express was halted at Nagpur station in Maharashtra on Saturday night for over an hour after someone alerted the police about a bomb on board, said an official.
A thorough check was carried out by railway police, Railway Protection Force personnel and dog squads and the train, which was stopped at 8:45pm, was allowed to resume its journey at 10pm, the official added.
"Someone alerted Pune railway police about a bomb threat and the message was passed to Nagpur police, after which a check was conducted. The information turned out to be false," he said.
A sniffer dog led the police to four men from Jhansi, travelling in a coach of the train, carrying 10 kilograms of urea, he said.
"The four work in a urea manufacturing company in Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh. They were let off after they gave us satisfactory replies," the railway police said.