Social services units with trained counselors of TATA Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) have now been made available in each of the 11 police administration districts and they will be at the front end for interaction with women and children coming in with complaints, said Delhi Commissioner of Police Alok Kumar Verma.
A display board will be kept prominently at every police station to publicise this facility, he told a gathering of representatives of NGOs working with women and children.
The information about the crisis intervention centres (CICs) which comprises a panel of NGOs appointed by Delhi Commission for Women will also be displayed in all police stations, he said.
The interactive session, participated by UN Women and 'Doctors Without Borders' and Nirbhaya's mother and founder of the Nirbhaya Jyoti Foundation Asha Devi, among others, witnessed concerns and suggestions regarding safety of women and children in the city.
Installing CCTV cameras in police stations, investigation expenses for investigating officers and prompt medico-legal examinations in domestic abuse cases were some suggestions aired in the programme held recently at Delhi Police headquarters.