AAP spokesperson Ashutosh claimed that, with an eye on the upcoming Delhi polls, BJP and SAD had struck up an "unholy alliance" to effect the transfer of Niranjan Singh, the Jalandhar-based ED Assistant Director who was leading its probe into the high-profile Rs 6,000 crore drug money laundering case.
"The ED official who had questioned Punjab Revenue Minister Bikram Majithia was transferred to Kolkata. This timing is suspicious and points to an unholy alliance between the two parties," Ashutosh said at a press conference here.
"After Punjab, an attempt is being made to make Delhi the drug capital of the country," he said, adding that BJP must break off its alliance with SAD if it is serious about addressing the drug problem.
"BJP cannot fool the people of Delhi on the issue of drug menace by engaging in doublespeak as it continues its alliance with SAD on the one hand and sheds crocodile tears on the other," Ashutosh was quoted as having said in an AAP release.
Singh's transfer orders were issued Friday evening by the agency headquarters, leading to a controversy and statements by political parties as the said officer was the main investigator in the drug money laundering case and was also part of the ED team which recently questioned the Punjab Revenue Minister in this connection.