Sources told PTI that the channel had telecast a movie 'lt's a Boy Girl thing' in which some of the scenes, which were supposed to be cut, had been aired.
An Inter-ministerial committee, which looked into the matter, observed that the channel had failed to comply with the directions of the Censor Board for effecting the required cuts in the film before it was telecast.
The I&B ministry order, dated January 16, 2014, says the channel told the committee it was not aware of the certification issued by the CBFC suggesting l5 voluntary cuts and l6 compulsory cuts in the film until the ministry issued the showcause notice.
The channel said it had not questioned the completeness of the censor certificate and had made the edition and cuts based on the belief that the certificate available with it was the only one, valid and complete, the order said.
During a personal hearing, a representative of the channel admitted the mistake and apologised for airing the content, the order said.