Special judge Narottam Kaushal dismissed the bail pleas of Nitin Manawat and Puran Chand Tamta who were arrested by the Anti-Corruption Branch (ACB) of Delhi government on February 25.
The court had earlier rejected their bail pleas in March.
Manawat, Director of ESP India, and Tamta, CEO of ESP India' alliance partner's Tambros India Ltd, were arrested in a case registered on a complaint of RTI activist Vivek Garg alleging the contract for lane test of commercial vehicles for fitness certificates was given by Delhi government to ESP India without inviting any tender.
ACB's investigating officer Pankaj Sharma, however, opposed their bail plea saying they are probing the role of government officials and have issued a notice to former Transport Commissioner R K Verma to join investigation.
He also said they had arrested a former Deputy Commissioner of the Transport Department who was granted bail by the court.