Around 50,000 multi-coloured booklets, depicting 'The journey of Chintu and Pinki in Delhi Metro', will be distributed among children studying in government schools following the staging of puppet shows on the same theme.
A Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) official said around 100 government schools have been selected where such shows will be held next month followed by the distribution of the booklets, both Hindi and English versions of which have been printed.
The graphics, designed in house, focus on everyday habits that often end up creating commotion during rush hours such as breaking queues while boarding trains or blocking doors, a major factor behind delay in train movement.
To attract kids, the booklets also contain interesting facts and a word puzzle on the rapid mass transit system.
"We are trying something of this sort for the the first time. A total of 50,000 booklets have been printed, half of them in English and the rest in Hindi. It will be also uploaded on the metro website," the official added.