The Delhi High Court asked the Central Bank of India on Monday to treat as representation a plea seeking directions to follow the government's public procurement order of 2017, issued for promoting 'made in India' products, while purchasing computers and related devices.
A bench of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice C Hari Shankar asked the bank to treat the petition as a representation and to take a decision in accordance with law, rules, regulations and government policy being followed in such matters.
With the direction, the court disposed of the plea which had challenged a Request For Proposal (RFP) issued by the bank on October 15 last year for supply, installation and maintenance of 'self service passbook printing kiosks' in its branches.
The petition by Pawan Kumar Sharma, a lawyer, contended that the RFP was issued in violation of the central government's Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017 which was issued to promote goods and services manufactured in India.
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