"Beach sand mining might be new to Andhra Pradesh but it had been continuing since long in many parts of India and abroad. The company first got permission for digging up to 4 metres, later we obtained permission for digging up to 8 metres from the Indian Bureau of Mines. We also obtained environmental clearance," said its CEO Ch.V.G.K.Murty in a press conference last night.
The Andhra Pradesh Government had last year unveiled big plans to dig into its rich heavy mineral beach sand reserves to give a boost to the growth of mineral-based and value-added industries.
"The company initially got permission for digging in 725 hectares, but Forest department staked claim for 387 hectares. However, we got favourable orders from the High Court," said its vice-president Josew Mathew.
He said some people with "vested interests" are targeting Trimax with false complaints.
Recently, Public Accounts Committee of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly, headed by Bhooma Nagi Reddy, visited the company and pointed out some irregularities in storage of minerals and mining area.
The panel is likely to table its report in the next Assembly Session.