The Tripura government onWednesday announced that all journalists in the state, who are working on the ground would be tested for COVID-19."Along with other frontline warriors, media personnel are also moving from one place to another for news coverage. In view of their safety, we have decided to test the samples of all media personnel who are working on the ground. #TripuraCares4all", Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb tweeted on Wednesday evening.He also said the state government would soon announce a scheme to ensure safety of family members of journalists working in the midst of coronavirus outbreak."The media personnel are playing a pivotal role in the fight against COVID-19. In view of the safety of media personnel and their families, we have decided to introduce a scheme soon," he tweeted.Meanwhile, 200 students of Tripura who were stranded at Kota in Rajasthan reached Churaibari in Assam-Tripura border of the northern district by a bus.Officials said they were sent to quarantine centre, where they would be tested for COVID-19 and would be released if found unaffected.