The governor, who is a former BJP leader, tweeted in Hindi on the ban on the bursting of crackers on Diwali and the Janmashtami ritual of dahi handi, which had also come up in court.
"Kabhi dahi handi, aaj patakha, kal ho sakta hai pradushan ka havala lekar mombatti aur award-waapsi gang Hinduon ki chita jalaney par bhi yachika dal dey (One day it is dahi handi, today it is firecrackers; tomorrow the issue of pollution may well lead to a plea by the candle {holding} and award-waapsi gang on cremating Hindus)," he tweeted.
Earlier, the issue of putting a cap on the age of participants and the height of human pyramids formed on Janmashtami for dahi handi -- the breaking of earthenware pots -- had been discussed by the courts.